Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Demir Demirgil Tiyatro Salonu’nun açılış töreninde sizi de aramızda görmekten büyük mutluluk duyarız.
11 Şubat 2016
Perşembe, 18:00
Demir Demirgil Tiyatro Salonu
Bugün (17.2.2016) akşam saatlerinde Ankara'da yapılan saldırı nedeniyle Kilyos Sarıtepe Kampüsü'müzde 18.2.2016 günü yapılacak Yakaza Ensemble konseri ileri bir tarihe ertelenmiştir. Kaybedilen hayatların acısını paylaşıyor, yaralananların en kısa sürede sağlığına kavuşmasını diliyoruz.
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
1. İstanbul Turizm Buluşması
Yer: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Albert Long Hall
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin;
The Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies is organizing a four-day intensive workshop, where the translators will be translating into English a part of the novel Dünya Bu Kadar by Mahir Ünsal Eriş, the guest writer of the workshop.
Guest Writer: Mahir Ünsal Eriş
Moderator: Jonathan Ross
Translators participating in the Workshop: Alev Ersan, Amy Spangler, İdil Karacadağ, Jonathan Ross , Kate Ferguson, Kenneth Dakan, Mark Wyers
The Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies is organizing a four-day intensive workshop, where the translators will be translating into English a part of the novel Dünya Bu Kadar by Mahir Ünsal Eriş, the guest writer of the workshop.
Guest Writer: Mahir Ünsal Eriş
Moderator: Jonathan Ross
Translators participating in the Workshop: Alev Ersan, Amy Spangler, İdil Karacadağ, Jonathan Ross , Kate Ferguson, Kenneth Dakan, Mark Wyers
The Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies is organizing a four-day intensive workshop, where the translators will be translating into English a part of the novel Dünya Bu Kadar by Mahir Ünsal Eriş, the guest writer of the workshop.
Guest Writer: Mahir Ünsal Eriş
Moderator: Jonathan Ross
Translators participating in the Workshop: Alev Ersan, Amy Spangler, İdil Karacadağ, Jonathan Ross , Kate Ferguson, Kenneth Dakan, Mark Wyers
The Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies is organizing a four-day intensive workshop, where the translators will be translating into English a part of the novel Dünya Bu Kadar by Mahir Ünsal Eriş, the guest writer of the workshop.
Guest Writer: Mahir Ünsal Eriş
Moderator: Jonathan Ross
Translators participating in the Workshop: Alev Ersan, Amy Spangler, İdil Karacadağ, Jonathan Ross , Kate Ferguson, Kenneth Dakan, Mark Wyers
Sinema Salonu (SineBU – North Campus)
With English subtitles
Free entry