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25 Mart 2016 Cuma
Başlangıç: 25/03/2016 09:00


Başlangıç: 25/03/2016 16:30

26 Mart 2016 Cumartesi
27 Mart 2016 Pazar
28 Mart 2016 Pazartesi
Başlangıç: 25/03/2016 16:30
Bitiş: 28/03/2016 23:30

29 Mart 2016 Salı
Başlangıç: 29/03/2016 17:00




30 Mart 2016 Çarşamba
Başlangıç: 30/03/2016 11:00

The first part of the seminar series will cover the general concepts on structural fire safety engineering from fire growth and heat transfer analysis in steel material to structural re-sponse at elevated temperatures. The second part of the seminar series will cover the ap-plication of fire engineering principles to several industrial steel building case studies.

Başlangıç: 30/03/2016 19:00

Başlangıç: 30/03/2016 19:30

31 Mart 2016 Perşembe
Başlangıç: 31/03/2016 15:00
  Among all Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, Turkey has by far the lowest rate of access to early childhood care and preschool education (ECCPE) services. Not coincidentally, Turkey also has the OECD's lowest labor force participation rate for working-age women (15–64), at 33.6 percent—almost half the OECD average.
01 Nisan 2016 Cuma
Başlangıç: 01/04/2016 17:30

  İstanbul Barosu Hayvan Hakları Komisyonu ve Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Hayvan Hakları Topluluğu 1 Nisan tarihinde Hayvan Hakları konusunda bir bilgilendirme paneli düzenliyor.


02 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi
Başlangıç: 02/04/2016 10:00

05 Nisan 2016 Salı
Başlangıç: 05/04/2016 17:00


2006, dir: Cao Hamburger

Başlangıç: 05/04/2016 17:00

Başlangıç: 05/04/2016 20:00

06 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba
07 Nisan 2016 Perşembe
Başlangıç: 07/04/2016 15:00
Bitiş: 07/04/2016 16:30

08 Nisan 2016 Cuma
Başlangıç: 08/04/2016 20:00


09 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi
Başlangıç: 09/04/2016 10:00

12 Nisan 2016 Salı
Başlangıç: 12/04/2016 09:00

Başlangıç: 12/04/2016 17:00

4Greek History and Culture Study Group invites you to a two-session panel discussion with the participation of several members of our academic community, in fond memory of its founding member, Vangelis Kechriotis after whom the Group will be named. 

Başlangıç: 12/04/2016 17:00

Decades of drug-discovery research have shown that drug molecules that need to cross the cell membrane exhibit a relatively narrow range of physicochemical properties, e.g., molecular mass, hydrophobicity and polarity. A recent survey of a dataset of human approved drugs has found that 27% of these are aliphatic amines and 20% are carboxylic acids [1,2]. In an aqueous environment at neutral pH, aliphatic amines have a propensity to be protonated and carry an electric charge of +1e.

Başlangıç: 12/04/2016 19:00


​Kennedy Jazz




12 Nisan 2016 Salı | Kennedy Lodge 19.00


Öğrenci 10 TL - Tam 30 TL

Başlangıç: 12/04/2016 20:00

13 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba
Başlangıç: 13/04/2016 19:30

Başlangıç: 13/04/2016 20:00

14 Nisan 2016 Perşembe
Başlangıç: 14/04/2016 15:00
Bitiş: 14/04/2016 16:30

15 Nisan 2016 Cuma
16 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi
Başlangıç: 14/04/2016 08:30
Bitiş: 16/04/2016 19:00

19 Nisan 2016 Salı
Başlangıç: 19/04/2016 18:00

21 Nisan 2016 Perşembe
Başlangıç: 21/04/2016 20:00

22 Nisan 2016 Cuma
24 Nisan 2016 Pazar
Başlangıç: 24/04/2016 09:00