This convergence brings scholars and activists from Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Turkey together to produce a body of analysis and a common platform for mobilisation in the context of the modern/colonial/ capitalist world-system and the current forms of neoliberal governing. We aim to reposition Western European framings of recent ‘EU border crisis’ away from the self-legitimising Euro-discourses of Enlightenment, liberalism and civilizational hierarchy and closer to notions of violence pertaining to war, economic warfare, neoliberal patriarchal capitalism, colonial technologies and apparatuses of power, and right-wing populism.
Initiating dialogue across these peripheries that have been ‘disconnected’ largely due to post/neo/colonial history, the spatial organization imposed by world capitalism and Cold War geopolitics, we aim to critically interrogate Western Europe’s self-serving narratives and structures of power and inequality, while exploring commonalities and specificities of anti-capitalist struggles in our various ‘peripheral’ locations. It is on this basis we wish to flesh out possibilities for solidarity and future collective action.
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