29/11/2016 13:00

This talk will introduce briefly the Joint China-Cuba Lab for Frontiers Research in Translational Neurotechnology, atUESTC, China. Then, it will illustrate their current research with the topic of brain-heart networks analysis. Severalstudies have approached the relationship between the heart and the brain functions, by using different time series andparameters associated to them, under certain conditions (comprising, for instance, sleep studies, anesthesia, orschizophrenia). In the recent years, the interest on the brain-heart networks have increased with the availability of noveldatabases, analytical and computational tools for pre-processing and processing the simultaneous data. In this talk, wediscuss the current applications of the brain-heart network analysis, the resources (datasets and tools) available, alongwith the trends in the signal and image processing and statistical methods. A few examples on real data are provided.

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