COVID, Multilateralism and Sustainable Development Goals in the Age of Anxiety

21/10/2020 14:00


The United Nations (UN) is marking its 75th anniversary at a time of great disruption for the world, compounded by an unprecedented global health crisis with severe economic and social impacts. But just when we need collective action more than ever, support for global cooperation has been flagging. Will we emerge stronger and better equipped to work together? Or will distrust and isolation grow further? 

Alvaro Rodriguez

Officer-in-Charge for UN Turkey

Prior to becoming Officer-in-Charge in Turkey in September 2019, Mr. Rodriguez was UN Resident Coordinator in the United Republic of Tanzania from August 2014. Mr. Rodriguez has served in the UN since 1991 when he began his work with UNDP in Kenya and then served in China and Thailand. Over the course of his career with the UN he has held senior level positions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia where he was UNDP Country Director. Additionally, he served as Policy Support Coordinator in UNDP Headquarters in New York where he was responsible for the oversight of UNDP’s Global Programme. Mr. Rodriguez is originally from Chile, but is a citizen of Canada.

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