Int. Workshop on Theory (Re-)Construction in the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences

07/11/2020 13:00
08/11/2020 17:00

Int. Workshop on Theory (Re-)Construction in the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (TRC2020)

Sat & Sun, 7-8 NOV 2020 (online)

Boğaziçi University, Dpt. of Philosophy & Cognitive Science Program


It has been repeatedy observed that the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (ESBS) lack well-developed theoretical superstructures, structures that researchers could apply to generate (point-)predictive empirical hypotheses. The MTR project treats this lacuna as an important reason to explain, and to treat, the ongoing replicability crisis in the ESBS. To join this meeting as a discussant, please register on or before 1 NOV 2020. Participation is on-site or online (using zoom). There are no fees.


Amit Pundik (University of Oxford, United Kingdom; Tel Aviv University, Israel) - Predictive Evidence and Unpredictable Freedom

Edouard Machery (Keynote) (University of Pittsburgh, United States) - Are perverse incentives responsible for the replication crisis?

Erich Witte (University of Hamburg, Germany) - What is a well-supported empirical theory and research program in psychology and how to measure it?

Holger Andreas (The University of British Columbia, Canada) - Carnapian StructuralismJohanna Sarisoy (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) - Methodological Realism in Psychometrics

Klaus Fiedler (Keynote) (Heidelberg University, Germany) - Nothing more practical than a good theory...

Majid Beni (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan) - Fleshing out the social aspect of Cognitive Structural Realism

Maximilian Maier, Noah van Dongen and Denny Borsboom (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Comparing Theories with the Ising Model of Explanatory Coherence

Roberto Fumagalli (King's College London, United Kingdom)- A Reformed Division of Labour for the Science of Well-Being

William Cullerne Bown (Independent, United Kingdom) - Measurement as metaphysics


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