Management Research Webinar: Stefan Koch

16/11/2020 18:00

Digital Transformation Strategies and Individual Readiness 

For successful digital transformation, both the strategic level but also the individual member of the organization need to be addressed. In this talk, we will try to focus on both by presenting research on the positioning of digital transformation strategies in organizations, the link from strategy to different initiatives, and finally individual digital readiness. 

Stefan Koch is Professor and Chair at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Business Informatics – InformationEngineering, and currently serves as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. He received his Ph.D. from WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, and then served as Chair of the Department of Management at Bogazici University, Istanbul. His current research interests include management and governance of information systems, IT and digital transformation strategy and business models, open and user innovation, software business, and ERP systems. He has published over 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including Information Systems Journal, Information Economics and Policy, Decision Support Systems, EmpiricalSoftware Engineering, Information and Software Technology, Electronic Markets, Information Systems Management, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Journal of Database Management, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, Enterprise Information Systems, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management and Wirtschaftsinformatik, and over 60 in international conference proceedings and book collections.

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