"The Many Lives of a Rural Sufi Shrine: Archeology and History of the Zaviye of Şeyh Nusret"

16/12/2020 17:00


Described as a flourishing dervish lodge by the Ottoman traveller Evliya Çelebi, the zaviye of Şeyh Nusret was founded in the aftermath of the Ilkhanid period in the region of Tokat. What appears now as a remote rural mausoleum used to be, from the late medieval period to the 19th century, a major Sufi shrine of Northern Anatolia at the centre of a wealthy estate. Drawing upon an analysis of architectural evidence, epigraphy, documentary sources as well as hagiographic literature, this talk aims to reconstruct, with an archaeological approach, the complex history of Şeyh Nusret's dervish lodge in a long-term perspective with a particular focus on its economic history and the building of local Sufi networks.Maxime Durocher is Assistant Professor of Islamic Archaeology at Sorbonne University, Paris. Combining archaeological surveys and analysis of documentary sources, his research focuses on Islamic architecture, particularly dervish lodges, and the archaeology of settlements in Anatolia during the late medieval and the early Ottoman periods.


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