''Teacher Reflection and Noticing''

25/12/2020 13:00

The second online academic seminar of the Fall Semester of 2020-2021 will be given by Assoc. Prof. Rukiye Didem Taylan. The title of her talk is “Teacher Reflection and Noticing.” The seminar will be held in English.

"Raising reflective teachers" has been an important goal in teacher education. After focusing on the significance of reflection, its relation to the construct of teacher noticing will be discussed. Underlying assumption of noticing is that human beings construct meaning for themselves in peer groups and more adequate others. Teachers need to make many in-the-moment decisions by attending to and making sense of their complex and sometimes chaotic environments: classrooms. 

Although teacher noticing has been conceptualized in different ways, it is usually accepted as processes of attending to various aspects of teaching and learning, interpretation of these, and deciding how to respond to events by using reasoning. Most studies documented teacher noticing by using teacher reflections as they viewed different types of videos related to teaching and learning as well as using written artifacts or fieldwork observations. Other researchers investigated teachers' in-the-moment noticing by analysis of their classroom practices. Teacher noticing will be discussed in terms of its importance for both teacher and student learning, the related constructs and its relation to teaching practices (both in and out of classrooms). Although more experience does not lead to higher qualities of noticing automatically, expert teachers' noticing is documented as different than that of novice teachers. Previous research suggested noticing skills could be cultivated even among prospective teachers. Different types of experiences or interventions that may help teachers improve their noticing skills will be presented. Finally, a short clip will be viewed together as a group and a noticing exercise will be conducted in order to provide a glimpse into noticing research.

Link: https://boun-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/92961362288?pwd=N1hUN3NvWmpjTmpQcEhsWURjVGNIdz09