Disease Avoidance: Implications for Health and Social Interactions - Barış Sevi

02/12/2021 15:30

You are invited to "Disease Avoidance: Implications for Health and Social Interactions" talk by Barış Sevi (University of Connecticut Department of Psychology).

Infectious diseases are a significant threat to humansurvival. To overcome this threat, it is theorized that humans haveevolved the Behavioral Immune System (BIS) consisting of differentmechanisms that promotes health and disease avoidance. In this talk, Iwill be focusing on three studies on how the BIS is associated withhealth behaviors and its implications on social interactions. In thefirst study, I will present data from a national sample on how a morereactive BIS is associated with higher engagement in health behaviorsduring the COVID-19 pandemic. In the second study, I will presentfindings from a mini-meta-analysis on how the affective portion of theBIS, disgust, has domain specific associations with risk-takingpropensity. In the third study, I will present data from an ongoingproject on how a more reactive BIS is related with mating orientationand how the BIS plays a role in the change in mating orientation duringthe COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, I will discuss implications and futuredirections regarding the study of the BIS.

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Passcode: 193814