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The Department of Foreign Language Education
cordially invites you to an international seminar entitled
"Migration and Intercultural Competence as Pedagogical and Methodological Responsibilities"
in collaboration with Ludwigsburg University of Education
Venue: Ibrahim Bodur Auditorium
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Belma Haznedar (Chair - Department of Foreign Language Education)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leyla Marti (Department of Foreign Language Education)
Ms. Sibylle Çizenel (German İnstructor, YADYOK)
Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
Prof. Dr. Jörg-U. Keßler (Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fischer (Director Office of Student Placements)
Dr. Peter Dines (Director International Office)
Dr. Marion Aicher-Jakob (Programme Coordinator)
Mr. Timo Aichler (Theodor-Heuss-Schule Kornwestheim)
Mrs. Simone Schmidt (Wilhelm-Keil-Schule Remseck)
10:00-10:10 Welcome Address by Vice-Rector Prof. Lale Akarun
10:10-10:20 Welcome Address by Dean Prof. Emine Erktin
10:20-10:30 Welcoming remarks by Assoc.Prof. Belma Haznedar
10:30-10:40 Welcoming remarks by Prof. Jörg Keßler
10:40-11:00 Remarks on childhood bilingualism (Belma Haznedar, Boğaziçi University)
11:00-11:30 Aims and results of the first project part in Ludwigsburg (Hans Joachim Fischer/ Marion Aicher-Jakob/ Peter Dines/ Timo Aichler/ Simone Schmidt (Ludwigsburg University of Education)
11:40-11:50 Coffee Break
11:50-12:20 Multiculturalism versus Interculturalism: Policies, Ideologies, and Myths (Martin Cry Hicks, Boğaziçi University)
12:20-12:50 Language and school integration of Turkish immigrant students. A quantitative and qualitative empirical study at primary schools in Germany (Eleni Peleki, Leipzig University)
12:50-13:10 Discussion
13:10-14:30 Lunch (Kennedy Lodge)
Student Presentations (projects conducted by Boğaziçi and Ludwigsburg students)
14:30-14:45 Project 1 (Sinem Gaye İmamoğlu-Atilla Kocabalcıoğlu)
14:45-15:00 Project 2 (Veronika Sabine Andrea-Munise Gültekin)
15:00-15:15 Project 3 (Cemile Özçelik-Seda Yürük)
15:15-15:30 Project 4 (Canan Şanlı-Öyküm Tuğçe Çetin)
15:30-16:30 Discussion (Convenors, Hans Joachim/ Jörg Keßler/ Peter Dines, Sibylle Çizenel, Belma Haznedar, Leyla Martı, Eleni, Peleki)