15/12/2014 09:30


09:30-09:50   Registration

09:50-10:00   Welcome Note: Gulay Barbarosoglu, Rector, Bogazici University  (tbc) Refik Erzan, Director, CEE, Bogazici University

10:00-10:45 “Growth Dynamics in Turkish Manufacturing” Erol Taymaz, METU

10:45-11:30 “Measuring Wage Inequality: How Should We Adjust College and High School Graduates’ Wages Over Time?” (with Z. Elitas and S. Tumen), Hakan Ercan,                 METU

11:30-12:00   Coffee Break

12:00-12:45 “On the Double Taxation of Corporate Profits” (with A. Anagnostopoulos and E. Cárceles-Poveda), Erem Atesagaoglu, Stony Brook University

12:45-13:30 “The Taxicab Game: An Experimental Analysis” (with Nejat Anbarci and Nick Feltovich), Yigit Gurdal, Bogazici University

13:30-15:00   Lunch, Kennedy Lodge

15:00-15:45 "Global Divergence in Growth Regressions" (with M. Battisti and G. di Vaio), Josehp Zeira,LUISS Guido Carli - Rome / Hebrew University

15:45-16:30 “Estimating Global Bank Network Connectedness” Kamil Yılmaz, Koc University

16:30-17:00   Coffee Break

17:00-18:15   Keynote Speech  by Allan Drazen, University of Maryland “The Behavior of Leaders - A Political Economy Perspective”

18:15-20:00  Panel Debate (in Turkish): What should be on the Agenda of G20?

Chair: Refik Erzan, Bogazici University

Hakan Atasoy, CBRT 

Caner Bakir, Koc University 

Mine Eder, Boğaziçi University

Lokman Gunduz, CBRT

Mesut Ozcan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Ibrahim Turhan, BIST


20:00-22:00 Cocktail Prolongé, Natuk Birkan Building 2nd Floor