Kandilli Rasathanesi Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü 'Araştırma Ortamını Geliştirme Komisyonu'nun düzenlediği etkinliğin konuğu Prof. Dr. Alon Ziv (Tel Aviv University, Department of Geophysics) "Generic Local-Regional Earthquake Early Warning System" başlıklı bir seminer verecek. Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS) consist of real-time algorithms and a seismic monitoring system aimed at providing rapid alerts against strong ground motions. Two main types of EEWS are available: local and regional. Local systems run on local CPUs at the target sites and use data recorded at the same location. They are designed to provide alerts to a specific infrastructure (e.g., power plants, government facilities, factories, railroads and motorways). Regional EEWSs run at central hubs and analyse data recorded at several remote sites. They provide alerts to a region or to multiple end-users. Local systems are faster and more effective when the distance between the target site and the earthquakes is short. To address the issue of multiple target sites and earthquake sources, it is useful to integrate the two approaches. In this talk I will introduce an innovative approach for local regional EEWS that implements array seismology (Eisermann et al. 2018), artificial intelligence and recent understanding of the relation between source parameters and ground shaking (Lior and Ziv 2017, 2018). A major advantage of this system with respect to all other currently implemented EEWS is that it is generic, i.e. it is readily implementable everywhere without having to go through a lengthy calibration phase.